Saturday, May 17, 2008

Have a post that you tried submitting to the Bob Beers blog?

Many of us have tried posting comments regarding the Nevada State Convention on the Bob Beers blog. Apparently, all posts are reviewed before publishing and there's many reports of deleted responses. Have no fear, post it here!


Nevada-Media said...

I have a comment that wasn't published. Therefore I created this entire site based on it. I tried to publish our media exposure list, though I attribute to problem to the length of my message. In any case, I know a lot of you out there have more sensible posts that were omitted.

Nevada-Media said...

5/19/08 - My comment was:

"I'm making a list of all of our media exposure. Take a look!"

Strangely, it wasn't published. I did get an email reply however:

"Thanks for the heads up."

That's it; 5 words. Apparently all of our commotion is only worth 5 words to Senator Bob Beers.

Unknown said...

That's five more words than I would have expected.

Sorry man, but 90% of the Republican Party just can't jive with the John Bircher, Neo Nazi, 9-11 Truther, freakshow that the Paul campaign degenerated into.

The majority of Republicans believe the Ron Paul movement is a collection of crackpot RINOs. The message, coming through loud and clear, is "You're not welcome here anymore. Go back to whatever fringe group you came from. Adios. Sayonara. Buh bye."

Don't be hatin'. I'm merely the message bearer.